Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Genetic and Environmental Influences in Alcoholic Tendencies Essay

Alcoholic Tendencies in people may be triggered by environmental influences, genetic influences, or both. Some people may be at a great risk of developing alcoholism because of this. Genetics alone can cause certain behaviors in people. If a child grows up in an environment where neither of the parents are alcoholics but the child carries the gene to become one, the child may have a higher chance of becoming an alcoholic as an adult due to genetic factors. However, because the child is not exposed to alcohol use regularly they may never exhibit alcoholic tendencies. A person may have an even greater risk if they have genetic factors, and they are brought up in an environment where there is a lot of alcohol use. Environmental factors can also cause behaviors in people. A person that grows up in an environment where they are exposed to alcoholism regularly might have the tendency to become an alcoholic even if their genetics don’t show alcoholic tendencies. The environment in which they consider normal consists of alcohol use. Therefore, it is likely they will continue with the behaviors that they are used to. However, because the child does not have genetic factors influencing alcoholic tendencies, they may never have a problem with alcohol despite growing up in an environment where alcoholism is present. Scott 2 Genetic and environmental factors influence alcoholic tendencies in people, but this does not necessarily mean having one of these factors will result in alcoholism. However, if both factors are present then a person might have a greater chance.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Policing in the Modern World Essay

Law enforcement work has evolved greatly over the years – from its early introduction in Colonial America with the use of Sheriffs, who collected taxes and enforced colonial laws, to today’s sophisticated large and widespread local, state, and federal agencies. Relative to the evolvement of law enforcement work, the type of candidate that police agencies seek to fill these employment slots has also changed drastically. Today in the United States candidates for police officer positions are put through a rigorous and strict hiring process to ensure strong applicants are picked for the openings. The hiring process is lengthy and usually includes written and physical exams, oral boards, a background investigation, medical and psychological screenings, and a polygraph test. All these steps are designed to remove unsuitable applicants. I feel that I possess several character traits and leadership qualities that would help me as a sworn police officer and a leader. However, th ere are aspects of my personality that could be improved to better my chances at being successful in that particular line of work. Look more:  perseverance essay Some aspects of my character that I think would help me in a possible career in law enforcement are flexibility, intuition, patience, common sense, and I am a team player. Additionally, my leadership qualities, specifically integrity and perseverance would also benefit me in a possible career in law enforcement. Flexibility is important in the context that you never know what you will be asked and/or required to do. Every call you go on will differ from the last in some sort of aspect. Things could change moment by moment and you have to be able to adapt to those changes to effectively do your job. Flexibility also includes being able to deal with new equipment, new procedures, administrators that come and go, and politicians that come and  go. I learned very much about flexibility in the while serving as an Infantry team leader in the Marine Corps. You had to be able to adjust to changing orders and missions on the fly. I quickly realized there was no typical day while deployed to both Iraq and Afghanistan. Learning to adjust to the situation at hand and being ready for anything played a large role in mission success and survival. Intuition is a quality that is needed by law enforcement personnel. The ability to take in a great deal of information and calculate a conclusion based upon it is extremely important in police work. As a police officer you respond to a call, talk to victims/witnesses, collect statements and evidence, and then form an educated conclusion on what happened all in a timely manner. This conclusion may even lead to the arrest of an individual. A lack of intuition could ultimately lead to the arrest of innocent people or the release of criminals. Another important aspect that one in a law enforcement capacity should have is patience. Chances are you are going to come across people, both who you work with and come in contact with on the street, which will require you to exercise extreme patience. Everyone has had a co-worker that you just cannot stand to be around. It takes patience to deal with this person and not create a hostile work environment. Then there are the people that you will meet on the streets that will be intoxicated or under the influence drugs. People under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs may act in ways that will test the patience of even the most veteran and seasoned officers. However much you are tested, by some of the people you may come in contact with, it is in the officer’s best interest to approach them in a professional manner and use tact and patience in resolving these situations. Losing your patience and possibly mistreating these people, no matter how ridiculous they behave/act, is unprofessional. These days common sense plays a large role in the policing community. Common sense knowledge is highly valued in police culture as a means of dealing with the many ambiguous situations that officers face (McNulty). Applying common sense while on the job and in your private, off-duty, life  is equally important. The use of common sense will often tell you the difference between what is right and what is wrong. This practice can help eliminate problems that may arise with the use of poor decision making. My ability to work in a team is a strength that I have learned through years of sports, employment, and the military. Being part of a team means accepting the leadership and the opinions of others regardless of your own beliefs and feelings. Teamwork is the keystone of any successful organization. Each individual must be dedicated to the whole team, be willing to act unselfishly, and communicate problems and ideas to solve them. A productive team has individuals that share common goals, a common vision and have some level of interdependence that requires both verbal and physical interaction (Sugarman). I have many strengths that I feel will make me a strong candidate for a career in law enforcement. Yet, there are some aspects of my character that need improvement; to improve in these areas would make me an even better police officer. I tend not to be candid at times, excessively trustworthy, and often I am my biggest critic. I have a tendency to not be candid at times because I am inclined to keep my opinions to myself. I think that a law enforcement officer has to have a certain level of assertiveness when making contact with offenders and members of the community. There is no room for being soft spoken when on patrol. This could be picked up as a sign of weakness by career criminals who have had dealings with law enforcement before and know what to look for. A sign of weakness can be enough for a criminal to try to exploit it to keep his or her freedom. To overcome this weakness I need to work on improving my self-confidence. I can improve my self-confidence skills by being more outgoing with my coworkers and in social situations. Excessive trust is another shortcoming of mine. I tend to not necessarily believe everything from everyone’s mouth. Still, past experiences have shown that I would never dispute them. Everyone you come in to contact with will not always be the most reliable source of information. This becomes a problem when you take every word for face value or to avoid confrontation. To  defeat this flaw I feel that sometimes disagreeing with people’s views or recollection of past events, when appropriate, will help me to express my own opinions. By expressing my own opinions I can set the facts straight as opposed to just accepting someone else’s misinformation. Perhaps my greatest weakness is that I am my own worst critic. I can beat myself up more than anyone else. Only I know all of my strengths and weakness. Typically, I will down play my strengths in a modest fashion and exaggerate my weakness. I do not think it is always a bad thing to criticize yourself if you do so in a constructive manner. It becomes a problem when the self-criticism becomes too great to effectively manage your weaknesses and learn from your past experiences. To conquer this weakness I need to learn how to not be so hard on myself. The only way to do this is to first realize that I have many qualities that are strong suited for a career in law enforcement. Secondly, by pinpointing my weakness I can explore constructive ways to improve them. As far as leadership goes, I have always prided myself on having a positive working relationship with fellow employees or teammates all while maintaining the highest possible standards for mission success. The two aspects are very important to any organization. I believe the Team Style Method of leadership is the most rewarding. A person who feels they are a constructive part of the unit is more likely to produce a higher level of output for the success and overall gain of that unit. Using this method increases both the individuals’ and the unit’s chance to prosper from the accomplishments made. In my opinion it is a win-win situation. There are many traits that a great leader will possess. The most essential traits I feel a good leader should have are integrity and perseverance.   Integrity can be defined as owning and adhering to high degree of moral values and professional standards. The function of integrity serves leaders well in the aspect that they are incorruptible and incapable of breaking the trust of those who have confined in them. Leaders with integrity must have an unwavering commitment to culturally accepted values and be willing to defend them (McCrimmon). This requires them to do the right thing even if it is not in their personal interest and when no one else is watching them. Leaders with integrity are responsible, trustworthy, and consistent. Should a leader ever lose their integrity it is virtually impossible for them to get it back. A second aspect of leadership I feel is very important for any leader to have is perseverance. Perseverance is the desire to continue under any circumstance that may emerge. A Master Sergeant once told me that, â€Å"You have to be at your best, even when your men are at their worst†. This quote has remained with me for many years and, to me, exemplifies the very meaning of perseverance. Someone who displays this character trait keeps their eyes on the goal and pushes themselves to accomplish the objective at hand. I look forward to starting an exciting and successful career in law enforcement. While I know I possess many attributes that would make me an excellent officer, I realize that there are some traits that are in need of attention. I can only work to improve weaknesses I have by admitting to the problems and uncovering positive solutions to set them straight. To be successful at this task will take a great deal of dedication and self-reflection. In addition to my weaknesses, I must keep my good characteristics strong. Works Cited McCrimmon, Mitch. â€Å"What Is Leadership Integrity?† Suite101. Suite101, 11 2008. Web. 20 Nov 2012. . McNulty, E. W. (1994), Generating Common Sense Knowledge Among Police Officers. Symbolic Interaction, 17: 281–294. doi: 10.1525/si.1994.17.3.281 Sugarman, K. (2004) Understanding the Importance of Teamwork [WWW] Available from: [Accessed 20/11/2012]

Como Agua Para Chocolate

Verbal and Visual Representation of Women: Como agua para chocolate / Like Water for Chocolate By MARIA ELENA DE VALDES Como agua para chocolate is the first novel by Laura Esquivel (b. 1950 ). Published in Spanish in 1989 and in English translation in 1992, followed by the release of the feature film that same year, the novel has thrust this Mexican woman writer into the world of international critical acclaim as well as best-seller popularity.Since Esquivel also wrote the screenplay for director Alfonso Arau, the novel and the film together offer us an excellent opportunity to examine the interplay between the verbal and visual representation of women. Esquivel's previous work had all been as a screenwriter. Her script for Chido Guan, el Tacos de Oro ( 1985 ) was nominated for the Ariel in Mexico, an award she won eight years later for Como agua para chocolate. The study of verbal and visual imagery must begin with the understanding that both the novel and, to a lesser extent, the film work as a parody of a genre.The genre in question is the Mexican version of women's fiction published in monthly installments together with recipes, home remedies, dressmaking patterns, short poems, moral exhortations, ideas on home decoration, and the calendar of church observances. In brief, this genre is the nineteenth-century forerunner of what is known throughout Europe and America as a woman's magazine. 1 Around 1850 these publications in Mexico were called â€Å"calendars for young ladies. Since home and church were the private and public sites of all educated young ladies, these publications represented the written counterpart to women's socialization, and as such, they are documents that conserve and transmit a Mexican female culture in which the social context and cultural space are particularly for women by women. It was in the 1850s that fiction began to take a prominent role. At first the writings were descriptions of places for family excursions, moralizing tales , or detailed narratives on cooking. By 1860 the installment novel grew out of the monthly recipe or recommended excursion.More elaborate love stories by women began to appear regularly by the 1880s. The genre was never considered literature by the literary establishment because of its episodic plots, overt sentimentality, and highly stylized characterization. Nevertheless, by the turn of the century every literate woman in Mexico was or had been an avid reader of the genre. But what has been completely overlooked by the male-dominated literary culture of Mexico is that these novels were highly coded in an authentic women's language of inference and reference to the commonplaces of the kitchen and the home which were completely unknown by any man. Behind the purportedly simple episodic plots there was an infrahistory of life as it was lived, with all its multiple restrictions for women of this social class. The characterization followed the forms of life of these women rather than t heir unique individuality; thus the heroines were the survivors, those who were able to live out a full life in spite of the institution of marriage, which in theory, if not in practice, was a form of indentured slavery for life in which a woman served father and brothers then moved on to serve husband and sons together with her daughters and, of course, the women from the servant class.The women's fiction of this woman's world concentrated on one overwhelming fact of life: how to transcend the conditions of existence and express oneself in love and in creativity. 3 Cooking, sewing, embroidery, and decoration were the usual creative outlets for these women, and of course conversation, storytelling, gossip, and advice, which engulfed every waking day of the Mexican lady of the home. 4 Writing for other women was quite naturally an extension of this infrahistorical conversation and gossip.Therefore, if one has the social codes of these women, one can read these novels as a way of life in nineteenth-century Mexico. Laura Esquivel's recognition of this world and its language comes from her Mexican heritage of fiercely independent women, who created a woman's culture within the social prison of marriage. 5 Como agua para chocolate is a parody of nineteenth-century women's periodical fiction in the same way that Don Quijote is a parody of the novel of chivalry. Both genres were expressions of popular culture that created a unique space for a segment of the population.I am using the term parody in the strict sense in which Ziva Ben-Porat has defined it: â€Å"[Parody is] a representation of a modeled reality, which is itself already a particular representation of an original reality. The parodic representations expose the model's conventions and lay bare its devices through the coexistence of the two codes in the same message† (247). Obviously, for the parody to work at its highest level of dual representation, both the parody and the parodic model must be pre sent in the reading experience.Esquivel creates the duality in several ways. First, she begins with the title of the novel, Like Water for Chocolate, a locution which translates as â€Å"water at the boiling point† and is used as a simile in Mexico to describe any event or relationship that is so tense, hot, and extraordinary that it can only be compared to scalding water on the verge of boiling, as called for in the preparation of that most Mexican of all beverages, dating from at least the thirteenth century: hot chocolate (Soustelle, 153-61).Second, the subtitle is taken directly from the model: â€Å"A Novel in Monthly Installments, with Recipes, Romances, and Home Remedies. † Together the title and subtitle therefore cover both the parody and the model. Third, the reader finds upon opening the book, in place of an epigraph, a traditional Mexican proverb: â€Å"A la mesa y a la cama / Una sola vez se llama† (To the table or to bed / You must come when you ar e bid). â€Å"The woodcut that decorates the page is the typical nineteenth-century cooking stove. The fourth and most explicit dualistic technique is Esquivel's reproduction of the format of her model.Each chapter is prefaced by the title, the subtitle, the month, and the recipe for that month. The narration that follows is a combination of direct address on how to prepare the recipe of the month and interspersed stories about the loves and times of the narrator's great-aunt Tita. The narration moves effortlessly from the first person to the third-person omniscient narrative voice of all storytellers. Each chapter ends with the information that the story will be continued and an announcement of what the next month's–that is, the next chapter's–recipe will be.These elements, taken from the model, are never mere embellishments. The recipes and their preparation, as well as the home remedies and their application, are an intrinsic part of the story. There is therefore a n intricate symbiotic relationship between the novel and its model in the reading experience. Each is feeding on the other. In this study I am concerned with the model of the human subject, specifically the female subject, as it is developed in and through language and visual signification in a situated context of time and place.The verbal imaging of the novel makes use of the elaborate signifying system of language as a dwelling place. The visual imagery that at first expands the narrative in the film soon exacts its own place as a nonlinguistic signifying system drawing upon its own repertoire of referentiality and establishing a different model of the human subject than that elucidated by the verbal imagery alone. I intend to examine the novelistic signifying system and the model thus established and then follow with the cinematic signifying system and its model.The speaking subject or narrative voice in the novel is characterized, as Emile Benveniste has shown, as a living prese nce by speaking. That voice begins in the first person, speaking the conversational Mexican Spanish of a woman from Mexico's north, near the U. S. border. Like all Mexican speech, it is clearly marked with register and sociocultural indicators, in this case of the land-owning middle class, mixing colloquial local usage with standard Spanish. The entry point is always the same: the direct address of one woman telling another how to prepare the recipe she is recommending.As one does the cooking, it is quite natural for the cook to liven the session with some storytelling, prompted by the previous preparation of' the food. As she effortlessly moves from first-person culinary instructor to storyteller, she shifts to the third person and gradually appropriates a time and place and refigures a social world. A verbal image emerges of the model Mexican rural, middle-class woman. She must be strong and far more clever than the men who supposedly protect her. She must be pious, observing all the religious requirements of a virtuous daughter, wife, and mother.She must exercise great care to keep her sentimental relations as private as possible, and, most important of all, she must be in control of life in her house, which means essentially the kitchen and bedroom or food and sex. In Esquivel's novel there are four women who must respond to the model: the mother Elena and the three daughters Rosaura, Gertrudis, and Josefita, known as Tita. The ways of living within the limits of the model are demonstrated first by the mother, who thinks of herself as its very incarnation.She interprets the model in terms of control and domination of her entire household. She is represented through a filter of awe and fear, for the ostensible source is Tita's diary-cookbook, written beginning in 1910, when she was fifteen years old, and now transmitted by her grandniece. Therefore the verbal images that characterize Mama Elena must be understood as those of her youngest daughter, who has b een made into a personal servant from the time the little girl was able to work.Mama Elena is depicted as strong, self-reliant, absolutely tyrannical with her daughters and servants, but especially so with Tita, who from birth has been designated as the one who will not marry because she must care for her mother until she dies. Mama Elena believes in order, her order. Although she observes the strictures of church and society, she has secretly had an adulterous love affair with an African American, and her second daughter, Gertrudis, is the offspring of that relationship.This transgression of the norms of proper behavior remains hidden from public view, although there is gossip, but only after her mother's death does Tita discover that Gertrudis is her half-sister. The tyranny imposed on the three sisters is therefore the rigid, self-designed model of a woman's life pitilessly enforced by Mama Elena, and each of the three responds in her own way to the model. Rosaura never questions her mother's authority and follows her dictates submissively; after she is married she becomes an insignificant imitation of her mother.She lacks the strength, skill, and determination of Mama Elena and tries to compensate by appealing to the mother's model as absolute. She therefore tries to live the model, invoking her mother's authority because she has none of her own. Gertrudis does not challenge her mother but instead responds to her emotions and passions in a direct manner unbecoming a lady. This physical directness leads her to adopt an androgynous life-style: she leaves home and her mother's authority, escapes from the brothel where she subsequently landed, and becomes a general of the revolutionary army, taking a subordinate as her lover and, later, husband.When she returns to the family hacienda, she dresses like a man, gives orders like a man, and is the dominant sexual partner. Tita, the youngest of the three daughters, speaks out against her mother's arbitrary rule but cannot escape until she temporarily loses her mind. She is able to survive her mother's harsh rule by transferring her love, joy, sadness, and anger into her cooking. Tita's emotions and passions are the impetus for expression and action, not through the normal means of communication but through the food she prepares. She is therefore able to consummate her love with Pedro through the food she serves.Tal parecia que en un extranio fenomeno de alquimia su ser se habia disuelto en la salsa de rosas, en el cuerpo de las codornices, en el vino y en cada uno de los olores de la comida. De esta manera penetraba en el cuerpo de Pedro, voluptuosa, aromatica, calurosa, completamente sensual. (57) It was as if a strange alchemical process had dissolved her entire being in the rose petal sauce, in the tender flesh of the quails, in the wine, in every one of the meal's aromas. That was the way she entered Pedro's body, hot, voluptuous, perfumed, totally sensuous. 52) This clearly is much more than communication through food or a mere aphrodisiac; this is a form of sexual transubstantiation whereby the rose petal sauce and the quail have been turned into the body of Tita. Thus it is that the reader gets to know these women as persons but, above all, becomes involved with the embodied speaking subject from the past, Tita, represented by her grand-niece (who transmits her story) and her cooking. The reader receives verbal food for the imaginative refiguration of one woman's response to the model that was imposed on her by accident of birth. The body of these women is the place of living.It is the dwelling place of the human subject. The essential questions of health, illness, pregnancy, childbirth, and sexuality are tied very directly in this novel to the physical and emotional needs of the body. The preparation and eating of food is thus a symbolic representation of living, and Tita's cookbook bequeaths to Esperanza and to Esperanza's daughter, her grandniece, a woman's cr eation of space that is hers in a hostile world. Not only was the film adaptation of Como agua para chocolate written by the novelist herself, but in this case the screenplay represents a return to her original discipline.There are many cinematographic elements in the novel, primarily the numerous cuts and fade-outs of the story in order to feature the cooking. The camera is intrusive and can engulf its subject in a visual language that is unique to the voyeur or can replace verbal referentiality by overwhelming the viewer. For example, the opening shot of the film, filling the entire screen with an onion that is being sliced, plunges the viewer into food preparation in a way that no spoken word could parallel for its immediate effect.Similarly, the numerous close-ups of food being prepared, served, and eaten heighten the dominance of the performance of cooking and eating as both sustenance and social ritual. Contrast these images and this emphasis on the joy, sensuality, and even l ust of eating the Mexican cuisine of Tita's kitchen with the scenes of the monks eating in Jean-Jacques Annaud screen version of The Name of the Rose or the raw meat displayed in the monastery's refractory, where the emphasis is on the denial of the flesh through mortification. Gabriel Axel film Babette's Feast, on the other hand, contains both poles of this opposition between gratification and mortification of the body. The minister's two daughters, who substitute religious practice for living and who eat as punishment for having a body, are suddenly exposed to the refinement of food as art, pleasure, and gratification. ) In the film Como agua para chocolate the preparation of food is expressed visually, and the consummation of eating is seen in the faces of the diners; but it must be also emphasized that there is a full spectrum of effects here, ranging from ecstasy to nausea.Perhaps the major difference between Esquivel's novel and the film version is that there is a visual inter text in the latter that evokes the Cinderella fairy tale by using the ghostly appearance of the mother and making her death the result of an attack on the hacienda by outlaws. In the novel Mama Elena does not die until long after the attack and lingers on in partial madness, convinced that Tita is trying to poison her. By cutting short her death to one sudden violent episode and having her visage return to taunt Tita until the latter is able to renounce her heritage, the film makes Tita the Cinderella-like victim of personal abuse.In the novel the rigidity and harshness of Mama Elena is overwhelmingly sociocultural and not peculiar to Tita as victim. The visual intertext of fairy-tale language creates an effective subtext in the film, bringing out the oppression of the protagonist and her magical transcendence. Instead of a fairy godmother, Tita has the voice of her Nacha, the family cook who raised her from infancy amid the smells and sounds of the kitchen. Instead of a magical tra nsformation of dress and carriage to go to the prince's ball, Tita is able to make love through the food she prepares; she is also able to induce sadness and acute physical discomfort.She is therefore able to keep Pedro from having sexual relations with Rosaura by making certain that Rosaura is fat, foul of breath, and given to breaking wind in the most nauseating manner. Mama Elena's ghost first appears one hour into the film and quietly gains the upper hand, since she threatens to curse the child Tita is presumably carrying. The final confrontation between Tita and the ghost comes ten minutes later: Tita defeats the ghost by revealing that she knows Gertrudis is illegitimate and that she hates Elena for everything she has never been to her.The film's visual language is able to evoke images of provocation, contempt, and abuse that are not in the novel. From the fortieth to the forty-fifth minute of the film, part of Tita's immensurably Cinderellalike duties are enacted. Tita is the only one permitted to assist Mama Elena in her bath and with her dressing. The despotic abuse of Tita by Mama Elena clearly borrows the visual images of the cruel stepmother. The magical intermediary is not a beautiful woman in a ball dress, but rather a wrinkled old woman, the cook Nacha, who had given Tita the love Mama Elena denied her.Nacha's voice and face guide Tita. It is Nacha who tells her to use the roses Pedro gave her for the preparation of quail in rose petal sauce, and it is Nacha who prepares the bedroom for the final consummation of love between Tita and Pedro at the end of the film. Tita's magical powers are all related to food, with the exception of the kilometer-long bedspread she knits during her lengthy nights of insomnia. Tita's cooking controls the pattern of living of those in her household because the food she prepares becomes an extension of herself.The culmination of this process of food as art and communication is food as communion. The transubstantiatio n of Tita's quail in rose petal sauce into Tita's body recalls the Roman Catholic doctrine of the communion wafer's becoming the body and blood of Christ, but on a deeper level it is the psychological reality of all women who have nursed an infant. When the baby Roberto loses his wet nurse, Tita is able to take the infant and nurse him in spite of the fact that she has not given birth.Her breasts are filled with milk not because she wishes she were the mother of the child, but because the child needs to eat and she is the provider of food. The viewer of the film Como agua para chocolate must develop her expressive capacity as she broadens her affective experience. Mexican women–and to some extent Latin American women–seeing the film relive their family history, and this is so not only because of the strong and open cultural links between Latin American women in this century, on which both the novel and film draw, but also and perhaps primarily because of the skillful u se of the parodic model.The intertext of women's magazines and the loves, trials, and tribulations featured in the stories they published is used by Esquivel as a discursive code that transcends whatever regional differences may exist. The social registers, the forms of address, the language of the female domain are somewhat lost in translation, because as in cooking, the substitution of ingredients changes the taste.The representation of women in Esquivel's novel and in the film touches on that deepest reservoir of meaning which is the human body as described, seen, and, on the deeper level, understood as the origin of identity. Women from other cultures and other languages can develop an empathetic relationship with Tita, her cooking, her love, and her life. Men of any culture, but especially Mexican men and Latin American men, have the greatest deficiency in experiencing this film and therefore have the most to learn.They must gain access to some fragment of the expressive code o f visual and verbal images that are the infrahistoric codes of their mothers, wives, and daughters. If they cannot gain access to the expressive system, they will not have access to the affective experience of these lives. The imagery of nourishing the body in both the novel and the film provides us with the means for articulating the experiences of cooking, eating, making love, and giving birth in previously unsuspected ways, and thus allows the male intruder a peek into reality.Women's recuperation of artistic creativity within the confinement of the house, and especially the kitchen and the bedroom, is presented by Esquivel not in an ideological argument but rather by means of an intertextual palimpsest which is the hallmark of postmodern art. 6 I want to conclude with three observations on feminist art in this context. 1) This is not a protest movement; it is a celebration of the space of one's own which may have been hidden from view in the past but is now open to all. ) At the center of postmodernism there is the vesting of creative weight on the reader, and this makes intertextuality a means of providing an interpretive context; in the case of Esquivel that context is our grandmother's kitchen and bedroom. 3) The maturity of feminist criticism has moved beyond the need to go headhunting among the misogynist hordes of patriarchy; the challenge today is to celebrate women's creativity in the full domain of the human adventure, from the so-called decorative arts to the fine arts and science.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Technology DQ3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Technology DQ3 - Essay Example e a drift towards attaining more cohesiveness and oneness within their processes and tasks and for this matter they have undertaken measures to incorporate more and more use of technological regimes – for the betterment of one and all. It is a fact that the business world of present times can have a lot of improvement within their ranks if they adopt the policy of working towards the establishment of different management systems that have an incorporation of technology. This would guarantee them a lot of success as their employees and workers would dedicate their whole hearted efforts towards the different tasks of the company as well as towards their own individual capacities. Once these technologically-assisted management systems are installed and are in place, we can have a proper check and balance mechanism as concerns to the people who are working in the company. One such of these management systems is the performance management systems within the human resources unit whi ch makes use of the fact that performance is increased on the part of all concerned and there is no shortfall as concerns to commitment, dedication and devotion when at work. 2) Based on the readings and personal experience, what are the responsibilities of a manager to ensure that company supported effectiveness technology is being used in a cost-effective and responsible manner by employees? The work culture within the domains of a manager must suit the interests of the organization in the best form possible. For this to happen, it is necessary to understand that technology has got an immense role to play in the manager’s repertoire. Also there should be a comprehension that managers work in a global world where technology has of late been instrumental at dramatically changing the way we perceive the events that govern our lives. The accession of technology to managers around the globe means that the same has resulted in the amalgamation of technological expertise and the like for a

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Laptop issuance to sales persons and return on investment Research Paper

Laptop issuance to sales persons and return on investment - Research Paper Example The study conducted by Atrostic and Nguyen (2006) categorically declared that â€Å"the prevalence of informational technology (IT) means that just investing in IT no longer confers a competitive advantage† (p. 1).After all, business use of computers dates back to about 50 years ago. Could it really be possible that man has outgrown the need for the good old computer? However, what Atrostic and Nguyen (2006) actually meant was that the manner in which businesses use IT does matter. Hence, competitive advantage may be achieved depending on how businesses harness the power the computer. Research Question and Justification Hoskins (2011) maintained that the â€Å"laptop is tailor-made for business† (para. 1). Coincidentally, I overhead two neatly attired gentleman seated on the next table talking about their accomplishments for the day. The two appear to be sales people and were using information from their high-end laptops every now and then, either to support their asser tion or to clarify their point. It is common knowledge that most companies issue laptops to their salespeople, presumably to facilitate presentation to prospective clients. But would the issuance of laptops to employees in charge of sales or marketing produce a corresponding return on investment? This paper was conceived to gather research-based evidence of the aforementioned quandary. Specifically, the study would address two research problems: (1) What are the advantages of using laptops for people engaged in sales? and (2) Is there a relationship between use of laptops by salespeople and increase in accumulated sales? The study will also test the null hypothesis that â€Å"there is no significant relationship between use of laptops by salespeople and an increase in their accumulated sales† based on a non-directional or two-tailed analysis and a 0.05 level of significance (0.05). The justification for this study rests on the premise that although empirical studies have alre ady demonstrated the link between productivity and use of computers and IT, results have been generalized for the manufacturing industry, not strictly on the sales aspect. If a direct and significant relationship is confirmed between use of laptops as an aid to sales talk and presentations and corresponding increase in accumulated sales, it is highly possible that issuance of laptops to salespeople by the companies they represent does, indeed, produce a return on investment. Hence, this paper will serve as an exploratory study to pave the way for further investigation of the association between issuance of laptops to salespeople and return on investment. This study adopted a descriptive – exploratory methodology using a researcher-constructed survey questionnaire as the primary data collection instrument. The research instrument consists of three parts (respondent profile, advantages of using laptop for salespeople, and relationship between use of laptop increase in accumulat ed sales) and 10 items. Respondents of the study were salespeople selected using purposive sampling. It is a non-probability sampling technique wherein the sample is chosen on the basis of the researchers’ judgment about some appropriate characteristics of the sample, and is alternatively called judgment sampling (Zikmund & Babin, 2010). A small sample of 25 respondents served as resources for the study. Profile data were presented as frequency and percentage distributions in the form of a pie chart. Advantages of using laptop for sales people were shown as horizontal graphs. Methodology for examining the relationship between use of laptops and increase in accumulated sales is discussed in the results section of this paper. Review of Related Literature and Studies Jenkins (1999) outlined several advantages of using a laptop computer in sales in terms of: (1) professional image; (2) resource and time management; (3) information dissemination; and (4) customer interaction. In a customers’ perspective, the use of technology such as laptops

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The Rise and Fall of the Berlin Wall - Essay Example There was entrance for other allies in the war and it grew to be a world war. Germany wanted Britain but Britain could not allow Hitler to acquire it. The war ended with the entrance of America and the subsequent defeat of Japan through bombing of Nagasaki and Hiroshima. The war had increased in magnitude such that not only the death of Helter and his ally Benito Mussolini of Italy would have ended the war. But Germany was left more unstable with the clout rule of Nazi regime that had helped to hold the country together under an authoritarian rule. After the ended to the war the territory that was left that could be termed as Nazi Germany had been divided into four occupation zones according to the postal agreed. Each of the regions was occupied by the allied power, American, British, French and the soviets. The former capital of Germany Berlin was occupied by the allied powers and acted as their center of control of the whole region. It as also subdivided into four zones although the city was in the zone that was occupied buy the soviet.The intention of the agreement that had led to the division of Germany among the powers was in order to govern the country together as one. But immediately after the war there was growing tension between Soviet Union which was working to occupy the superpower vacuum in the world and the allied forced led by America. The era of cold war had just but set in.The advent of cold war saw increasing tension between the forces that had divided Germany among themselves. The French, British and American zone were brought together to form Federal Republic of Germany and West Berlin. On the other hand the region which... Each of the regions was occupied by the allied power, American, British, French and the soviets.   The former capital of Germany Berlin was occupied by the allied powers and acted as their center of control of the whole region.   It as also subdivided into four zones  Ã‚   although the city was in the zone that was occupied buy the soviet.     The intention of the agreement that had led to the division of Germany among the powers was in order to govern the country together as one. But immediately after the war there was growing tension between Soviet Union which was working to occupy the superpower vacuum in the world and the allied forced led by America. The era of cold war had just but set in.   The advent of cold war saw increasing tension between the forces that had divided Germany among themselves.  Ã‚   The French, British and American zone were brought together to form Federal Republic of Germany and West Berlin. On the other hand the region which was under the s oviet rule formed the Germany democratic Republic which included East Berlin.   Therefore the main forces behind division for Germany were the growing differences that were emerging between the allied forces and the Soviet Union which was mainly based on ideological differences between the two forces. (Maddrell, 2006)Growing difference between West and East  The cold war was purely based on ideological difference between the USA and the Soviet Union which was then led by Russia.   This was the main differences that had led to the eruption of the cold war.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Intel Sucess (Osama Bin Laden) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Intel Sucess (Osama Bin Laden) - Assignment Example This success was years in making that involved interviews with some of the high-value detainees such as KSM (Khalid Sheik Mohammed) who had important information on the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden1. In the end, this came down as a classic espionage effort and a judgment by the US President who opted for surgical helicopter attack and not a bomb. According to some senior administration officials, the probability of finding Bin Laden in the big and secured compound was 60-80 percent2. The US CIA pushed so hard to know the real name, but all they succeeded in getting was the nickname to the carrier. After long intelligence search, the CIA finally learnt his real name as identified in other parts of the world. The Security Council then embarked on locating his residence. Although they had an idea that he was residing in Pakistan, the exact location was not known. The CIA worked very close with the Pakistan’s intelligence agency to help in the location of Abbottabad, the compound where Bin Laden lived. The killing of Osama showed great degree of intelligence by the CIA and other security councils who had a hand in the capture and killing of the

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Reserach proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Reserach proposal - Essay Example The postmodern media revolution could only aggravate the situation further with, especially since 9/11 disaster, misrepresentations and distorted images of Islam and Muslims gaining unprecedented and higher visibilities in the Western public spheres. However, despite the seeming ruptures this process of representation and misrepresentation has a definite historical and political backdrop embedded within huge cultural politics spanned across the centuries, ever since negotiations of different sorts had commenced between the Christian and Muslim cultures. This project attempts to study about western perceptions of Islam especially since the middle ages to the contemporary times and the surrounding cultural politics, both international and domestic. The specific objectives of the study are: 1. To deconstruct the meaning and understanding of Islam and Muslim culture at large as they are predominantly represented within the western culture – since the medieval to modern times. 2. T o throw light upon the historical and political backdrop and the cultural elements invariably involved in the production of knowledge about Islam and its culture in the west. 3. ... The attempt is precisely oriented towards exposing the hidden cultural politics behind stereotyping a whole culture and on what basis such stereotypes get reception and get reproduced over different periods of time. Contextualising the project and review of literature As I mentioned earlier the proposed project shall focus on the image of Islam in the West from the medieval ages to the present. The study is immensely significant since the â€Å"West must deal with Islam as a growing social, political and religious reality† (Quinn, 2008: 17). A significant development in the recent global politics, especially in the aftermath of the 9/11 incidents and the recent war on Iraq and the related events, is the emergence of a fungible notion of Islam and terrorism. Issues pertaining to Islam are already finding their place in the cutting edge of political, military and economic interests of the West. The terrain is much complicated, and still adds onto it, with the fact that a great d eal of ignorance about Islam and its culture in general is further manipulated by those in the political forefronts in the West to build upon a historically and culturally constructed notion of hostility and incongruity between Islam and Christian cultures. The images, representations, and perceptions of Islam are â€Å"abound in the academic and popular press† throughout the twentieth-century world (Mirza, 2007: 2). Perhaps with the intellectual and technological changes, together with the recent historical events in the contemporary Muslim world, greater attention to certain institution or faith such as Islam has become widely possible (Esposito, 1999: ix). Bassiri (2010) has traced this synonymous usage between Islam and terrorism back to the age of Reagan

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 64

Assignment Example (2010) studied the organizational culture of college universities that were being relatively newly established in Malaysia compared to universities. MacIntosh and Doherty (2007) selected a random sample of clients as participants in the research at five clubs across four different cities located in the province of Ontario, and asked them to complete a survey. Clients were at least 18 years old. Client’s perceptions were measured by focusing on the focal organization’s core values. Core values and many items were retrieved from the original survey conducted by MacIntosh and Doherty (2005). The study used a total of 42 items representing nine corporate values. Data was collected using 113 surveys from participants 59% of whom were women whereas 41% were men. On the other hand, in Ramachandran et al’s (2010) research, HEI is the unit of analysis divided into public and private strata. College universities were chosen because of their evolving OC. Data was gathered f rom a total of 594 faculty members of which 33.9% were from public HEIs whereas 52.8% taught in the private HEIs. Data was collected with the CVF. Ramachandran et al. (2010) stated that no definition of OC is widely accepted as the term has been defined differently by different scholars and authors. Organizational behaviour is affected by different regional and national cultural groupings. The different types of OCs can be classified by different parameters. Artefacts of an organization can be understood by studying the organization’s espoused values. Every organization is based on certain assumptions that are not challenged and are taken for granted by the employees. Values of an organization are more accessible than its artefacts or assumptions. The theoretical underpinning of this study is based on Cameron and Quinn’s (1999) operational definition. Denison’s (1990) four hypotheses i.e. the consistency hypothesis, the mission

Engine performance and Efficiensy Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Engine performance and Efficiensy - Coursework Example Momentum drag is the negative thrust (force) opposing the jet thrust or motion through air, it is also referred to as the ram drag. It is a product of the incoming air (flow rate) and the velocity via which it is fed to the jet engine. It is normally denoted as Ti or To. Mathematically, it is the difference between the gross and net thrust (Momentum drag = Gross thrust – Net thrust) (Farokhi 290). It is computed as (Gunston 187): Momentum drag is the opposition the aircraft experiences as it surges through the air. to the engine, it may be referred to as the ‘friction’ experienced by the engine as it propels the aircraft forwards. Net thrust is the resultant aerodynamic force that causes propulsion of an aircraft in air, which is represented by the summation nozzle thrust and momentum of motion. It is a result of the propulsion system, engine, overcoming momentum drag. It is thus the difference between the gross thrust and the momentum drag on the engine of an aircraft (Net thrust = Gross thrust – Maximum drag) (El-Sayed 125). It is usually denoted by T and is calculated as follows: The aircraft thrust is influenced by the airflow into the engine. A change in the rate of airflow triggers a resultant thrust alteration. In the case of net thrust, the increase in the aircrafts speed results to an increase for air fed into the engine, resulting to a higher output (Cumpsty 193). With static thrust, the environmental factors tend to determine the ability of the craft to engage in motion. With static thrust, the air speed is kept constant and is not affected by the crafts motion thus differing from the net thrust. b) Calculate the net thrust of a turbo jet flying at 150 M/S with an air mass flow of 50 Kg/S and a jet stream velocity of 300 M/S with a chocked nozzle. The residual gas pressure in the jet stream is 45 KPa gauge, the nozzle area is 0.2M2. It is evident from the derived

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Critical Response Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Critical Response - Research Paper Example The two stories intricately crisscross each other and in a way assume a form and life of their own as they gradually unravel. Dunye’s film primarily comes out as a complex yet somewhat enticing insight into the American history, delving on the relevance of cultural icons and issues pertaining to cultural representation. However, the film sometimes confuses the audience going by the fact that it has a lot going on in it at the same time, thereby making the plot a little complicated with haphazardly placed setting of the events, their order and duration, and the exact relationship between them. Still, Dunye has been able to manipulate the link between the plot and the story to facilitate a sense of drama. To a great extent the story relies on stereotypical contrasts and comparisons like the differences between regular, curious and evolving character of the young black lesbian Cheryl and Tamara, her particularly stereotypical, hardliner and close minded friend. The one big weakne ss in the film is that it predominantly intends to intrigue through the ingenuity of the exploitation of documentary techniques. May be it is owing to this that some audience may find themselves disappointed by the disparity and lack of correlation between the form and the content. What the forms in the movie Watermelon Woman seem to offer, the content sadly falls short of it. One special thing about the larger theme of the movie is that it has definitely succeeded in emphasizing the emotional relevance and value of cinema. However, the coy romance engaged in by Cheryl, and the wacky shots that she is continually subjected to, to a large extent dilute the overall impact of the movie, making it conveniently ingratiating for an audience with regular expectations, without being able to score the incumbent and associated political comments. Though, the prime focus of the director seems to be to resuscitate a part of the African American history that conveniently got sidelined in the flo w of time, which is the Black sexual history, the film badly falls short of achieving this objective in a forceful way. However, Dunye has managed to succeed in securing varied salient objectives that attend the feature films associated with the like subjects and themes. In her own peculiar way Dunye has been able to write a history that earlier never existed. In that context, the film Watermelon Women is securely grounded in the historiographical facts and realities of the Black people and especially the black women of the last century. For instance, Cheryl’s quest for the ‘Watermelon Woman’, engages her in interesting and thought provoking interviews with many people who happened to be the fundamental part and parcel of the Black Club culture during the interwar days. While delving on the film in a serious and analytical manner, one simply cannot help identifying the personal stake that the director has in the movie. The Watermelon Woman throughout hovers aroun d an essential black lesbian identity. However, it does so by stimulating the viewers to correlate and identify the connections between the stories of a black American actress from the bygone era, who managed to accrue fame through a range

Monday, July 22, 2019

Netball study - P.E coursework Essay Example for Free

Netball study P.E coursework Essay Netball is a fast skilful team game based on running, jumping, throwing and catching. Teams may consist of up to 12 players but only seven players may be on the court at one time, the extra players will be used if one of the players on court are injured or to tired. The aim of the game is to get the ball in the opposing goal ting as many times as possible throughout a match. The court is split by two lines that divide the court into thirds. At both ends of the court there is a shooting semicircle and a 10ft goal post with no back board. Each player has a playing position determined by the areas of the court where they may move. The playing positions are; Goal shooter (GS), Goal Attack (GA), Wing Attack (WA), Centre (C), Wing defence (WD), Goal Defence (GD), Goal Keeper (GK) Position responsibilities  GS  Her main job is to score goals and to work in and around the circle with the GA. She must be able to react quickly to things such as rebounds of the ring and quick passes into the circle.  GA  She is also allowed to shoot and must work closely with the GS to feed balls into the shooting area.  WA  Her job is to create as many shooting opportunities as possible. She has to have solid passing with a range of passes into the shooting area.  C  To take the Centre Pass and support the defence and attack. She must be swift and have sharp, quick movements. One of her main roles is to get the ball from the defending area through to the attacking area. She must be quick and have a good range of passing. WD  Her responsibility is to stop the ball getting to the oppositions shooting area. She must be good at intercepting passes. A good WD should be good at controlling the ball. She should be good at marking to prevent the WA feeding it to her shooters.  GD  Her job is to win the ball, and stop it going into the defending area as much as possible to prevent the opposition from scoring goals. She must be a good marker and stay close to the GA. She must be alert so she can collect rebounds and intercept passes so that she can get the ball back down the court into her attacking area. GK  She must guard the shooting area and closely mark the GS to stop her from scoring. Goal keepers are usually among the tallest on the team as it is a good advantage when marking the shooters. She must be alert so she can collect rebounds and intercet passes. She will also be responsible for taking throw-ins from the backline.  A bit about the rules  Centre passes Centre passes are taken alternately by the C, after a goal has been scored.  All players must start in the goal thirds in their starting positions, except for the two Cs who stay in the centre third. The Centre with the ball starts with either one or both feet in the Centre Circle. The opposing Centre stands anywhere within the Centre Third and is free to move and mark players form within. After the whistle is blown the footwork rule applies to the centre. Both feet should be in the circle, but if a player has only one foot in the circle, the other mustnt be touching ground outside the circle. The players outside the centre third must run into the centre to receive the ball. A Centre pass must be caught or touched by a player in or landing in the Centre third, if this does not happen then it is considered over a third and a free pass is awarded to the opposing team.  After receiving a pass  When a player receives a pass they are not allowed to run/dribble the ball. However they may only bounce or bat the ball once to gain control. Players have to be standing before they throw the ball.  Players have three seconds to make a pass or shot after catching the ball.  Balls may not be thrown over two third lines without being touched by at least one player; this will result in a free pass from the second third line the ball crossed.  Throw in  The ball is considered out of court when it hits anything outside the court area. The ball is returned into play by a Throw-In, this is taken by the opposite team to the one which touched the ball last before going out of play. It is taken from a point outside the line where the ball left the court. The player taking the throw in must have their feet up to but not over the line. The 3 second rule applies when the player is in position and holding the ball. Obstruction  If a player has the ball the defenders foot must be 0.9m (3ft) feet from the landing foot of the player with the ball. The defender can jump and spread their arms, as long as they do not move in towards the attacking player. The defenders are not aloud to deliberately block the attackers view by placing their hands in front of their face or eyes.  If a player does not have the ball the defender may be as close as they want, but not touching. The defender must have her arms in a natural position. They cant be outstretched.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Our Societies Get Benefits From Modern Technology Education Essay

Our Societies Get Benefits From Modern Technology Education Essay Introduction: Technology plays a major role in modern life that affects all the aspect of human activities. Therefore our societies get a lot of benefits from modern technology. Universities and colleges for example have so many facilities. Such as labs with sophisticated computer devices, internet connections with high speed, projectors and smart boards. Using these developed tools can help students in many ways; first, students can study and understand their subjects well when they use audio-visual technology. Second, students may pass their exams online. Third, they can access a lot of resources like libraries, websites, and scientific papers online. These facilities may help students master their subjects, save time, and stay in touch with the new world. History: A Scale chart for using Technology since 1780 to 2011 This Chart will be explained well throw the attached document. What kind of Programs that the students can use it in the universities life and can be used in studying, and projects things? The programs are: 7zip : with is using for extracting high compressed files AutoCad : used for drawing without using pencil and papers Adium : used for messaging but using Mac operating system only Amanda : for Network disk Msn Messenger : communication with the students and their instructors Azureus: Peer to Peer programs which is being used mostly in the dorms to exchange files and things like Videos, pictures, etc. SQL : DataBase program used at the universities especially not schools Microsoft Office : Excel , Access, Word , PowerPoint and Outlook Audios and Videos Programs ( ( ( ( Advantages and disadvantages of Technology in Education: The technology facilities that we have today has offered a lot of information and ideas to students, which saves great potential for learning, today we have so many procedures and way to present data and information for different learners whatever their learning style is, and make them benefit from the material. And this doesnt only include the web world and internet, but also includes many technological facilities such as projectors and smart boards (Hollowell, 2010). There are some conditions that may prevent some students from getting benefits from the technological facilities during their studies, so they may not be able to have computers or laptops due the socio-economic status, some of the students may live in a place without a computer, some other students might be attending a school in a poor district that doesnt offer more devices or a school that offers limited number of devices, this will lead these students to a disadvantage in learning and practicing the technology, in addition we all know that poor cities have less chances to receive new technological facilities (Hollowell, 2010). This new generation depends on computers and technology, we cannot even doubt this. Technology taken a very important role in our studies, but it is very important to know that it can really give some improvement to the traditional methods of learning but it cannot replace it, finally the quality of the class relies on the knowledge of the instructor and not on the technology available (Hollowell, 2010). As technology can be more helpful in the classroom for students and teachers, there is a chance that it might be a source of distraction and confusion for both students and teachers, experts are required to be available in schools and colleges to fix the hardware and software problems because some teachers doesnt have enough knowledge to do that, supporting the purchased technology is necessary to avoid the useless and disadvantage of it. Technology always needs frequent check to avoid the damage (Olsen). It is incredible and useful to use online education because it can be accessed at anytime and from anywhere, and this advantage allows the students to give time for their daily lives while concentrating in their learning objectives. Traditional methods of learning have more specific places and specific times (Roath). Online classrooms are very convenient in connecting students to each other and to their instructors, so that they can meet at anytime of the day or night with no difficulties. In opposite communication and interaction in physical classrooms can occur only during classroom hours (Roath). How can we get benefit from using technology in our studies? In the 21 century, technology has been changed in a different way in our community. Many people from all over the wide world rely on computers and technological devices in their daily lives. Schools and other educational organizations have been able to offer more computers for their students since computers became more valuable, there are too many benefits that students can get from technology (Elizabeth Reed Osika) . The educational technology is used as helpful tools to enhance students learning and success in the American schools for around 30 years. Computer-assisted instruction (CAI) was made to assist students to benefit and obtain the basic skills, as well as practicing them (U.S. Department of Educatation). Some people think that there is a similarity between the importance of technology education and the importance of teaching aids and methods, But actually there is a big difference between the two of them, which means that the importance of technological education is more comprehensive (hibatolah, 2007). Insight: in which illustrations and graphs have a very important part in clarifying the written concepts to the student (hibatolah, 2007). Understanding: the means of technology education help students to recognize things (hibatolah, 2007). Abilities and skills: the means of education are important to teach students some skills such as: pronunciations and spellings (hibatolah, 2007). The way of thinking: the means of technology education plays an effective role in training students to think clearly and solve their own problems (hibatolah, 2007). In addition to verifying the experience, the growth of general knowledge, forming concepts, and the variegation of evaluation methods to meet the differences between students (hibatolah, 2007). If we try to make a comparison between students in schools and students in universities, we will find that schools students doesnt get more benefits from the facilities that are available for them because they usually waste their times playing games, chatting, etc. on the other hand, university students often know the value of these facilities and the benefits that they can get from them.Technology is improving education? Technology is helping teachers and students to better understand the content of their subjects, and allows them to develop the teaching and studying methods in order to get more benefits; the role of technology in schools and universities has turned from a simple (computer class or IT class) into a multipurpose learning tool that can change the way we demonstrate concepts, assign projects, and assess programs (Kessler, 2010). In the following points, some examples on how technology has shown its potential to improve education: 1- Developed stimulations and models. 2- International learning. 3- Sensors and probes. 4- Multimedia. 5- Electronic books. 6- Scientific games. (Kessler, 2010) Technology improves education at universities in many ways such as: 1- Online examinations which are more helpful. 2- Online studying systems. 3- Video conference classes. 4- Online Students accounts. 5- Scientific labs for engineering students. Methodology: To figure out the importance of technological facilities in the educational organizations we formed this survey that can enable us to find out the opinion of the students about it and to give a short study about these facilities that were used The Survey contains yes or no questions and it also the last question is talking about the opinion and suggestions. And how we can use it to improve the technology in educational field. Findings: Randomly selected people Q1. Is there any kind of technology facilities in your university? Table Yes NO 45 students 75% 15 students Figure Q2. Do you think technology is helpful in your college life? Yes NO 53 students 88.3% 7 students Table Figure Q3. Do you think that online exams are more convenient for you? Yes NO 34 students 56.7% 26 students Table Figure Q4. Is it more helpful to study depending on online systems? Table Yes NO 39 students 65% 21 students Figure Q5. Is your university planning to improve its technology facilities in the near future? Yes NO 38 students 63.3% 22 students Table Figure Q6. Have you ever tried the video conference classes? Yes NO 18students 30% 42 students Table Figure Q7. Are you satisfied with the facilities that you have in your university? Yes NO 25students 41.7% 35 students Table Figure Q8. What is your opinion in using these facilities at your university? As we found from the Survey data that all of the students agree with the point of developing the University Technology that it can help them in studying and doing their job and they considered that some of them dont have the good technology that can satisfy them, over all they should upgrade their facilities or the university facilities. Now a days all the students want something easy to learn from and an easy way to get the information with lots of interesting technique so any education organization which want to gain a lot of money use this technique to attract more students to come to their organization not only to get money but also to be honest to help the students to improve their thinking to develop this organization which will help their country not only their country but also the whole world by building new generation , with high thinking . Summary: In the year 1780 all the educational organizations including universities, colleges, and schools used to teach their students without using any type of technology, but in the new generation and especially in the year 2000, technology became a very important part of education. The revolution of technology brought us many useful programs that we can use in different field of lives, these programs have an effective role in changing our lives and make easier and better. From this research we found out that we can get advantages from bringing technology in our studies, but we also found out that there are disadvantages from the use of technology that might ruin our studies and affect our future in a negative way. From this research we learned how to get the benefits of technological education, and use these benefits in a lot of organizations such as: schools, universities. We are obligated to train our students to use these benefits in a positive way. The survey showed that the majority of students agree that technology is helpful in their college life, this mean that students have a strong conscience about what is happening in todays world. Recommendations: 1- Technology is very important in education, in addition it is helpful for students and instructors. 2- Universities and schools should be equipped by technological facilities. 3- Educational establishments must train their students to use the technological tools. 4- It is mandatory to do a regular check up and update the labs and the devices especially at universities. 5- Students have to take courses in IT to make sure that they can use computers and other tools. 6- All of us must strive and struggle to try to find and discover new technological devices and programs in order to fulfill our studies. References: Can you Improve your Schools Technology  Support

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Types of Waste

Types of Waste Waste is known as a matter which current users have no purpose of, or it is known as a matter which can be harmful to humans, animals or the environment. Waste can be divided into two categories, general and hazardous waste. General waste is waste that does not harm humans, animals or the environment. For example household waste, garden waste, building rubble, dry industrial and commercial waste. Hazardous waste is more likely to cause danger to humans, animals and the environment. This waste is based on the chemical reactivity, explosives, corrosive and radioactive. Waste Found In the Community of Edenvale There is many different waste found in the community which affect the community. The types of waste found in my community are agricultural waste which comes from animal products and the production of crops. This waste can be recycled. Biodegradable waste is a type of waste that will go back into the soil and nature. This may include garden waste, animal waste, fruit and vegetable leftovers. This waste can be composted. Garden waste is known as grass clippings, weeds, tree branches and this can all be composted. Bulk waste is large waste, such as broken appliances, furniture and outer parts. Almost all of this waste can be reused or recycled. Trade waste is waste is generated by shops, offices, or commercial places. Construction waste is found on residential premises. This waste includes batteries, empty paint and pesticide containers. Some of the household waste is recyclable. Industrial waste is waste that comes from industrial and manufacturing processes. Some of this waste is haza rdous. Intuitional waste is found in schools, hospitals, research institutions and public buildings. Medical waste is known as any solid or liquid waste which is generated in treatments. The Waste plan in my Community In my community the waste management plan for households is that waste is collected once a week. Businesses are different and get waste removed twice a week depending on how much waste is generated. Industrial waste is also collected once a week. It has been working effectively because the municipality has had no complaints and customers are happy with the system. The community also stays clean by means of the council collecting waste around bins so that the community will stay clean. Hazardous waste containers are also being provided and specialized companies deal with this waste. People that dump illegally get high fines. Public roads are being taken care of by litter being picked up by services five times a week. In the CBD litter gets picked up seven days a week. Free standing pole bins get emptied daily. Informal Settlements around my Community Some informal settlements where waste is not managed well is in the CBD, Hillbrow, New Town, Alexandra Township, and Jeppestown. The pollution comes in the form of dust from gravel roads, lack of clean running water, lack of regular refuse removal, broken and non-maintained sewerage pipes, absence of toilet facilities and ignorant littering. Due to the overcrowding of the informal settlements with migrants who are unemployed, and are not able to pay housing rent leads to a decay of flats and houses. In Alexandra some people still use the bucket system which increases the contamination from sewerage in the environment, and some people can get a wide range of illnesses. The organic waste attracts rodents and insects infestations. Poverty and lack of knowledge in these areas lead to littering, overflow of broken sewerage systems and unmanaged waste. A waste management plan for the informal settlements is that refuse is removed twice a week by means of bulk containers and street hawkers are issued with refuse bags weekly. â€Å"The metropolitan council wants a waste disposal strategy; identification of waste disposal sites, establishments, operation and control of waste disposal sites.† The community water supply and sanitation programs aims to ensure all South Africans have access to clean water. The metropolitan also wants to prevent invasion of industrial sites. Some solutions that can help reduce waste are: Waste Avoidance, Prevention and Minimization: system to ensure the appropriate design promotion, optimizing operating procedures and good house keeping for all waste generating processes. Forecasting potential situations in which accidents and spills can cause unscheduled waste emissions. Recovering, Recycling and Reuse: Reduction in the waste stream. Recycle materials such as taxes on waste or subsides for waste cycling, and also extraction and utilization of landfill gas. Treatment and handling: Ensuring that waste is appropriately treated and processed to their disposal in accordance with laws, regulations and guidelines. Storage and Final Disposal: Timely identification investigation and construction of environmentally and socially acceptable waste disposal facilities. New innovative ways of managing waste in disadvantaged communities are required. We can move towards collection by paying people to collect litter and involve the community in programs. We can improve the awareness to the public with regard to waste. Allow people living in informal settlements to regain their dignity by providing sustainable, affordable sanitation. Polokwane Declaration The aim of the Polokwane Declaration is to reduce waste by 50 % respectively by 2012 and have a plan for zero waste by 2022. In order to achieve their goals they must engage more closely in a realistic and practical manner. Conclusion In Gauteng waste management is lacking it appears there has been an increase in waste per year between 1998 and 2003. It also appears that Polokwane Declaration of zero waste remains optimistic. Hazardous waste has decreased as a result of improvement in industrial activities. Recycling initiatives are being adopted and are successful. The importance of the public awareness of waste and recycling should be made aware and action plans formulated.

Lord of the Flies: A Tale of a Fateful Trip Essay -- Lord of the Flies

Lord of the Flies: A Tale of a Fateful Trip      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Man has never quite found a truly perfect paragon in himself.   Through some fault of his own he can never achieve the high ideal of perfection that he seeks to attain.   The 'Divine' Michelangelo, named so by his contemporary biographer Giorgio Vasari, never called his masterwork of the Sistine Chapel ceiling finished. When it was unveiled Pope Julius II fell to his knees in prayer at the sight of this 'divine work of perfection.'   Michelangelo, who never claimed himself to be a painter, never accepted his work as a masterpiece, claiming that it was "full of flaws" produced by his own imperfections and sins.   William Golding attributes this universal flaw to the evil produced by man.   Never before had man's evil been shown as it had during WWI.   The viciousness of man was apparent to all the world in the creation of the atomic bomb and in a war that concerned the whole earth.   In response to this unveiling of evil, Golding created The Lord of the Flies.   In this work of fiction, Golding hinted that even the youngest of all individuals- adolescent boys-are capable of inescapable evil.   He also suggested that this evil pervades into even the most saintly and corrupts all that it comes into contact with.   In The Lord of the Flies Golding uses different characters in the novel to show the influence of this evil upon society and to represent the most the four basic aspects of human nature.    Ralph is an attractive boy and a natural leader; the well-adjusted, athletic boy who might easily become the idol of his peers.   First mentioned as "the boy with fair hair," Ralph emerges as a child of fortune endowed with common sense: the sort of child who naturally fosters grace, s... ...nds the pragmatic conflict of good and evil that exists in man, and unlike Simon and Piggy, he is resourceful enough to elude death and to carry this knowledge back to civilization.   On the mainland, Ralph will be a man of reason aware of the darkness that lurks in man-even in the most innocent person.      Works Cited. Baker, James R. "Why It's No Go." Critical Essays on William Golding. Ed. James R. Baker. Boston: G.K. Hall & Co., 1988. Golding, William. Lord of the Flies. London: Faber and Faber, 1958. Hynes, Samuel. "William Golding's Lord of the Flies." Critical Essays on William Golding. Ed. James R. Baker. Boston: G.K. Hall & Co., 1988. Kinkead-Weekes, Mark, and Ian Gregor. William Golding: a critical study. London: Faber and Faber, 1997. Moody, Philippa. Golding: Lord of the Flies, a critical commentary. London: Macmillan, 1964.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Microfluidic Systems :: essays research papers

Microfluidic Systems The ready market availability of porous membranes with cylindrical pores of 15-200 nm and a thickness of 6-10 à ¬m facilitates the development of three dimensional analytical unit operation devices on an attaLiter scale. By employing these membranes as gates at the interface of two crossed microfluidic channels, the rate and direction of the fluid exchange can be controlled with electrical potential, polarity, solution ionic strength or diameter of the nanocapillary1. The microfluidic channels, fabricated by soft lithography, have been used for a decade. Dr. Paul W. Bohn, Centennial Professor of Chemical Sciences at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, sees the advance to multilayered liquid chromatography as a key step in the development of micro total analysis systems (à ¬TAS), which would involve such new applications as injection, collection, mixing, switching and detection. Recently he has been studying the analyte responses to various constraints applied to the sys tem and its deviations in behavior from that of a similar system on the macro scale.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Microfluidic channels are a convenient and durable means of fluid transport made of poly(dimethylsiloxane) (PDMS), a common polymer with non-polar side groups. PDMS is durable, highly flexible and elastic, oxygen permeable and very hydrophobic2. It also has negative surface charge density at pH 81. The method of soft lithography allows for rapid deposition of complex crossed two dimensional fluid pathways on a silicon wafer.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The membrane containing these nanopores is a 6 – 10 micron thick polycarbonate nuclear track-etched membrane (PCTE) that has been coated with poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) to make it hydrophilic. This coating results in a pH of 8 in the system3. The pores in the membrane are cylindrical and of diameters in the range of 15 – 200 nm. The size of these pores are of the same order of magnitude of the Debye length (à ª-1) of the ionic interactions in solution (1 nm < à ª-1 < 50 nm) when the ionic strength is in the millimmolar range1.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The small physical character of the nanopore allows for a change in ionic strength of the solution to be sufficient to alter the interaction between the solution and the nanopore. By merely changing the concentration, the nature of the flow induced by electrical potential can be switched between electrophoresis and electro osmosis1.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The direction of the flow can be controlled by the size of the nanopore. At large pore sizes, the negative surface charge density on the microfluidic channel caused by the slightly basic pH of the system

Thursday, July 18, 2019

hjty Essay

Cape Management Of Business Unit Two Internal Assessment †¦ Cached Mob Cape Management Of Business Unit Two Internal Assessment Essays and Term Papers Form MOB 1 – 2 – Caribbean Examinations Council†¦ form mob 1 – 2 caribbean examinations council advanced proficiency examinations guidelines for submitting internal assessment for management of business Manual for Principals – Caribbean Examinations Council |†¦ caribbean examinations council internal assessment manual for principals caribbean advanced proficiency examinations (cape) 2010 Sample of Cape Internal Assessment –†¦/Sample-of-Cape-Internal-Assessment Cached Sample of Cape Internal Assessment document sample. †¦ Small Business Management TYPE OF ASSIGNMENT ONE research project of between 2,000 – 2,500 †¦ Management of Business for CAPE ® Unit 1 (Caribbean †¦†¦ Cached Management of Business for CAPE ® Unit 1 (Caribbean) [Peter Stimpson, Kathleen Singh] †¦ as well as an internal assessment component. Customers Who †¦ Sample of internal assessment for IB Business and Management †¦†¦ Cached Sample of internal assessment for IB Business and Management Studies, anyone? †¦ IB Math Studies Internal Assessment (SL)? Business and management IB? Management of Business Internal Assessment†¦ Cached Internal Assessment Report: Business Management Sector Panel or SSC: Business Education The purpose of this report is to provide feedback to †¦ METRO RAIL STRATEGY – Metrorail Western Cape†¦ Cached Present the Cape Metrorail management team as an †¦ †¢ Ongoing risk assessments : †¦ †¢ Transforming labour relationship from Union to internal business †¦ Business Management: Internal Assessment – The Student Room Cached Business Management: Internal Assessment. Tweet. Announcements Posted on †¦ Does the Business and Management IA have to include a lot of primary research? Promotional Results For You

Night Train at Deoli Essay

The Night Train at Deoli by Ruskin mystify is a allegory of juvenilely extravagant passion exhibiting unbridled agreement of the protagonist endowed with great sensitivity. neck is an emotion interlaced with a net of perplexing comp atomic number 53nts that is very difficult to unravel. crush lacks depth of love, and it is base on manner and selfish desire. genuine love is establish on commitment, understanding and entering into a nonher(prenominal)s feelings, and compassion. In this short story, Ruskin Bond recounts his teenage experience during one of his hold back locomotes to Dehra. He tells us that he apply to spend his vacation every summer in his grandmothers wander in Dehra and had to pass a subtle lonely put up, Deoli amidst the jungle on the way. This identify appeared strange to him as no one got on or off the gear up on that point & nothing seemed to happen there. He wondered why the train stopped there for ten minutes regularly without undercoat and f elt sorry for the lonely minuscular platform. Juvenile love is based on appearance it is distinctly reflected when the author expresses his feelings for the missy at first sight. On his journey to Dehra, the author happens to see a pale- controling young woman selling baskets. She appears to be poor, but with pad and dignity. Her shiny black hair and dark, lush eyes attracts the author. The girl offers to sell baskets to him. He initially refuses to debauch and later when she insists, happens to buy one with a little hesitation, presume not to touch her fingers while pickings the basket from her hand. Both of them just look at each other for quite some time, just as it strikes a chord of affection between them.He longs to see her, her searching and eloquent eyes, once again on his return journey. The meeting helps to rupture the monotony of his journey & brings in a sense of attachment & responsibility towards the girl. sum is a kind of feelings of affection or love. Here , in the story, the authors heat for the girl was unreasoning. Generally, strongness for anything in grouchy drives a man to be bit by bit desperate for achieving the thing the person is fond of. But, here authors illusion for the girl is somewhat imaginative, and the writer shows that he is unwilling to discover what has happened with the girl. He does not want to proceed with an enquiry into the generate of absence of the girl, but instead he decides against going into the village adjoining the station to know the truth. Though, apparently, it looks like an infatuation, yet the writers feelings for the girl comes out as selfish desire as he wants to live with his imagination only, and the writer apprehends to calculate hit with a bare reality. True love seems to be absent in a relation that is not based on commitment, and there was no marking of responsibility shown from the narrators part. confabulate more at http// night-train_12.htmlsthash.oI4KPBc7.dpuf

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

IT Applications and Groupware Essay

The three most historic things that a confederation has to do so as to implement the use of collectionw ar systems effectively take time offs with ensuring the collaboration of workers regarding the incoming of the technology. This initiative helps to become an image of the required nuance in their mind. Further, it helps the workers to learn more close to distributively other and creates a sense of respect among them. This outline helps to break any antagonistic nicetys in which they grew up whereby they may need been taught to work as individuals.This rack creates the notion of selfishness amongst the workers. Conversely, ensuring worker cooperation helps to create a shade of security with regard to employees providing support to the conjunction (Thierauf, 2001). This makes them to be joint owners of the caller-out, thus taking part in implementing the project. The workers ar thus not dictated on what to do. Rather, the executive helps them to remove the obstacles amongst themselves and eliminate their resistance. Afterwards, the retraining of the workers about sharing takes place.This helps to recreate the attitude of sharing which have been eliminated from the workers minds by the prevailing environment. Such an trade union movement begins with the bonkledgeableness of education to individual persons whereby they are instructed to work as individuals. Further, they learn that to share equates to cheating at heart the discipline perspective. The employees thus tend to have a culture in them that disowns sharing. Such a culture calls for retraining. The creation of sharing helps them to work together.In turn, this phylogenesis benefits the company in the sense that distributively employee will be allowed to make their decisions. The vocation thus retains the knowledgeable employees within the company. This group work also makes the output of the company to increase more than individual output. Such an gist stems from the fact that a group can put to death more deputes than an individual when each(prenominal) person is offered the opportunity to decide on how to accomplish a task (Galliers, Markus & Newell, 2007). The people are thus empowered to discharge by themselves.During training, the influential leaders usually start early in helping the people to careen and teaching the people about the importance of groupware. This undertaking promotes every idea regarding all opportunities in the readying of any specialized training in the farsightedness that all the needed users are covered. In addition, it helps to create an awareness of what will be expected of them when the group ware system will be implemented. This is because the workers recall their trust in all people with whom they were at one time taught to be distrustful by their environment.It also gives each worker an opportunity to contribute their techniques in the business whereby the best are charged with the running of the company (Khosrowpo ur, 2001). It also helps to make sure that all the intend people are reached and that the barriers among them broken. This creates an atmosphere within which each individual is worthy in the business and wherein their views are incorporated into the running of the premise. After training, one should excogitate for the growth of the firm and be prepared to uprising up quickly after the implementation.This improves the attitude of the workers because they extract satisfaction from the work output. Such a development promotes and improves their working life. Consequently, the lessons which they had learned in the training are articulated in the production process. This action helps to evaluate the results of the project so that one can know if to sell the project to others if the results are tangible (Khosrowpour, 2000). Further, he owners are facilitated to gauge if the groupware system is productive and if its productiveness can be replicated in other cerebrate firms.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Dutch Disease

Dutch Disease

The sorts are distinguished by their origin as well as the indications and clinical symptoms that happen.Later on 1970, when oil price soured by 4 times; UK was tempted to invest in North Sea oil industry in Scotland.Soon after exporting the oil, UK encountered with a serious recession personal following labor strike. Firm workers demanded for higher wage because their disposal income has decreased which stemmed letter from the fall in expensive commodity demand. UK has become a net export of oil and worth Pound got appreciated.Dutch disease is merely arithmetic.The term of â€Å"Dutch disease† for the first time came in an article in The chief Economist -1977 that described the case as a natural resource curse.The name of Dutch Disease generally associated with a natural valuable resource discovery, but it can be seen in any trade or investment activity how that results in a large inflow of foreign currency, including a rise in natural resource prices, foreign aid, and fo reign direct investment. The inflow of American treasures into Spain in 16th and gold discoveries in Australia in the 1850s are other two example of Dutch Disease diagnosis. By 1978, how this story repeated in Iran.

It normally contributes to a countrys currency appreciating in value.Russia is likely to be another innocent victim of this disease. Nearly 40% of GDP, 60% of export revenue and 60% of government marginal revenue depends on oil and gas production. General perception of Russian economics, like other resource-rich countries, expects the common symptom of disease.Russia as one of the main oil producer can easily impact on oil price by cost reducing or increasing the amount of production.The expression Dutch Disease was originally coined (and is most frequently used) to describe the effect of a pure important source windfall (natural gas in the instance of 1970s Netherlands).These all concludes to CAD appreciation which is logical not what a commercial sector of an economy try to reach at. Since we are on another side of history, revolution against energy consumption and climate change got more serious, the countries that are ail too dependent on natural resource are being question ed more than before. Except for short-run effect of asymmetric growth on resource optimal allocation and income distribution, we are better to think about long-run issue of not renewable resource severe depletion rate and future plan for rich-resource countries. 2.

In precisely the same manner, its real hard to reveal whats causing a drop in the industry.Increase in foreign currency 3. Foreign direct investment 4. Foreign aid 5. only Natural resource price growth While at the mid-term they would experience: 1.The growth of one sector may be a consequence of many things that range from increase in demand and higher price of a resource, the sudden discovery of a all-natural resource that is valuable or perhaps sudden surge in foreign aid resulting in the increase in currency value.Become a net import of manufactured goods 6. Losing export power in manufactured goods other than natural resources 7. Leading to uneven economyThis is the mechanism in which non-resource industries get hurt by valuable resource industry which proudly increases the wealth and spread the benefit unevenly across the country that accounts for hidden national economy turmoil, which make manufacturing jobs, move to lower cost countries. Canada logical and Oil Sand Feve r (3.

The appreciation of the domestic currency is likely to create the exports in businesses deeds that are various of the nation more expensive while imports will get cheaper.Tom Mulcair, the NDP leader, who is well being accused of dividing the country against each other, named the oil sand of Canada the dirty oil. He said that the booming of olive oil industry in Saskatchewan province would hollow out other provinces’ economy.He believes the oil exportation drive up the little value of dollar and hurt manufacturing sector. The studies show that the appreciation of Canadian several dollars relative to USD is driven by three factors.A appreciation of the exchange rate might have a total differential influence on economic growth.Arguments for and against the preposition) Investigating the proposition that the country has experienced a period of anglo Dutch disease, two conditions may need to be fulfilled. First, see if currency deep appreciation has driven up by the export or iented commodity prices. Second, see to what extend unemployment old has been affected in the manufacturing sector. According to Krugman (1987), it becomes a disease when the manufacturing sector what does not come back after the resource boom.

Competitiveness is lost by the country.(5. Government role to reduce the whole incident or mitigate the effect- foreign exchange intervention) â€Å"The gratification of wealth is not found in mere possession or in lavish expenditure, but in its wise application. – Miguel de Cervantes pino Saavedra Under transparently and wisely management, if government can diversify the manufacturing and export sectors to reduce dependency on the booming public sector and make them less vulnerable to external shocks, such as a sudden drop in commodity prices and at the same time avoid dumping all export revenue in the economy and devote fund of energy revenue to enforce other part of the industry through privatization and restructuring, the economy would be more resilience and integrated.In countries with temporary resource discovery, many policymakers may want to protect the non-trade sectors through foreign exchange intervention that is, building up foreign exchange coronary reserve through the sale of domestic currency to keep the foreign exchange value of the domestic currency lower to insulate the economy in condition the extra wealth spend wisely and to lead to inflation.DownDutch disorder empty can prove to be fatal unless nations use their exchange rate can be obtained by how their fortunes to market their economiesor.Moreover they firmly believe that their non-oil industry is not that due much big to get hurt from global competition and they would continue to develop the oil sector which is more competitive logical and they are good at. In Chad, after oil discovery on 2004, the Chadian government invested the income on summary developing crop production and feeding poor people at the same time. In order to deliver the food to poor in distance villages first the lack of road hindered the process. So the next main object was to improve transportation infrastructural.

Commonly, there develops a nation the disease syndrome in case of a financial windfall of earnings that results in destructive or harmful results from the market to include things.There are twenty two policies how to spend the money. If the foreign currency is traded with foreign commodity and spend on import, the domestically product other goods are remained unharmed. But suppose it is converted to local currency, this time the local productions last get affected. If the central bank decided for a fixed nominal exchange rate, after conversion the currency, the money supply increases, the local demand increase and local production price rise which leads to higher less real exchange rate.The scale dependence on petroleum revenue resulted in the decrease of distinct sectors such as company.M. and J. P. Neary.

The source of crude oil cant be increased because its become more and more challenging to discover and create oil reserves and is limited however.†¢Coulombe, S. , R. Lamy and S. old Rogers (2007).Second, the petroleum sector infrastructure is in disrepair.htm †¢Ebrahim-zadeh, Christine (March 2003, Volume 40, Number 1). â€Å"Back to very Basics – Dutch Disease: Too much wealth managed unwisely†. Finance and Development, A quarterly magazine of the IMF. IMF.